💥 Astar zkEVM Testnet Launch : A Major Step Forward for Ethereum Scaling 💥 | by CoinRuay | Oct, 2023

On October 13, 2023, Astar Network launched its zkEVM testnet. This is a significant milestone for the project, as it brings Astar one step closer to launching its mainnet and providing a scalable and secure smart contract platform for developers and users.

A zkEVM (zero-knowledge Ethereum virtual machine) is a type of Ethereum scaling solution that uses zero-knowledge proofs to bundle multiple transactions together and process them off-chain. This allows zkEVMs to achieve significantly higher throughput and lower fees than Ethereum mainnet.

The Astar zkEVM testnet is a fully functional zkEVM that is compatible with Ethereum. Developers can start building and deploying dApps on the testnet today, and users can start interacting with these dApps to test their functionality and performance.

The Astar zkEVM testnet launch is a major step forward for Ethereum scaling. It shows that zkEVMs are now ready for real-world use, and it paves the way for Astar to launch its mainnet and provide a scalable and secure smart contract platform for everyone.

In addition to the above, here are some other key takeaways from the Astar zkEVM testnet launch:

✅ The testnet was launched on schedule and without any major issues.

✅ The testnet has been performing well, with high throughput and low fees.

✅ There has been a lot of interest and participation in the testnet, with over 10,000 people signing up to participate.

✅ The Astar team is working closely with developers to help them build and deploy dApps on the testnet.

The Astar zkEVM testnet launch is a major milestone for the project and for Ethereum scaling as a whole. It shows that zkEVMs are now ready for real-world use, and it paves the way for Astar to launch its mainnet and provide a scalable and secure smart contract platform for everyone.

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🪄 Link : https://astarnetwork.deform.cc/astarzkevm/

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