Australia now has a Metaverse Advisory Council

Angus Stevens

The Australian Metaverse Advisory Council (AMAC) is launching.

AMAC is a collective voice with an objective to grow the Australian metaverse industry.

Its definition of the metaverse is: “A network of immersive experiences that merge digital and physical realities; enabled by technologies such as virtual and augmented reality and AI. It represents the next generation of the internet, offering new avenues for social connection, entertainment, economic, collaborative and creative activity.”

Angus Stevens, the CEO and cofounder of VR and AR studio Start Beyond and AMAC chair, said the founding members of AMAC recognised an urgent need for an independent advisory group to represent and advocate for Australian interests.

“The founding members of AMAC each provide a unique and rich understanding of the metaverse,” he said.

“To be able to bring a group together and provide Australian industry with such an informed depth of knowledge is incredibly exciting and invaluable to both the local as well as the international market.”

“We believe it is vital to have the industry’s leading figures offering independent advice to the broader community, particularly as the Australian metaverse industry continues to mature, expand and innovate.”

The founding members of AMAC are Angus Stevens: chair of AMAC and CEO of Start Beyond; Darshini Ayton, associate professor and the deputy head of the health and social care unit at Monash University; Daniel Cariola, the ANZ XR Lead for Accenture’s metaverse business group; Trent Clews-de Castella, co-founder and CEO of PHORIA; Simone Clow, CEO and co-founder of Zebrar; Ben Ferns, founder of; Oliver Weidlich, founder and director of design and innovation at Contxtual; Patricia Haueiss, metaverse, web3 and AI consultant; and Mikaela Jade: a Cabrogal woman of the Dharug-speaking Nation of Sydney and the founder and CEO of Indigital.

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