6 Questions for JW Verret — the blockchain professor who’s tracking the money By Cointelegraph

6 Questions for JW Verret — the blockchain professor who’s tracking the money

J.W. Verret is a Harvard-educated attorney who teaches corporate finance and accounting at George Mason University. His work has increasingly intersected with the cryptocurrency sector in recent years, as his legion of Twitter followers who know him as “BlockProf,” or the Blockchain Professor are poignantly aware.

Aside from his work at GMU, Verret has become known as a vocal advocate for crypto as the top honcho at Crypto Freedom Lab, a think tank fighting devoted to preserving “freedom and privacy for crypto developers and users.” He also serves as a professional legal witness for defendants accused wrongfully, Verret would argue of evading financial-tracking laws. In between, he finds time to serve as a regular columnist for Cointelegraph.

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