Smart Contract: The Building Block of DeFi; Decentralized Finance Uses Emerging Tech to Remove Third Parties. | by The Girl With The Little Bun | Feb, 2024

Welcome to the world of decentralized finance, or DeFi for short! In this financial revolution, we’re bidding farewell to the old ways of handling money and eagerly embracing something new and exciting. Picture a system where everyone can effortlessly make transactions without relying on traditional banks or middlemen. This is precisely what DeFi, fueled by smart contracts and blockchain technology, brings to the table.

So, fasten your seatbelts as we embark on a journey through the basics of DeFi and unravel how it’s reshaping the financial landscape. Whether you’re familiar with the term DeFi or it’s left you curious, I’m here to guide you through a clear and detailed explanation of what DeFi entails and the crucial role smart contracts play in this innovative realm. Let’s explore together how these advancements are changing the game in the world of finance.

Photo by Olav Ahrens Røtne on Unsplash

DeFi, short for Decentralized Finance, is essentially a financial ecosystem utilizing blockchain technology. This innovative approach significantly reduces the reliance on central authorities and intermediaries. Within this ecosystem, users gain the ability to conduct financial transactions without involving third parties, distinguishing it from traditional banking and other financial institutions.

We are well aware that banks and traditional financial institutions often impose charges on users for availing their services. Understandably, these charges are crucial for their functionality and sustainability. However, with DeFi eliminating the presence of these third parties, there is no longer a need for such fees.

DeFi has proven to offer greater advantages than traditional financial institutions. It is accessible, and with a data connection and the internet, one can easily access the website without restrictions such as geographical limitations and more.

Additionally, the use of blockchain technology in Decentralized Finance accounts for its transparency. Blockchain is widely known for its impenetrable security system. In this technology, transactions are stored in blocks. Once a transaction is validated, the block is sealed and encrypted. Another block is then created, containing integral information about the former block. This process continues, forming a continuous chain — hence the name ‘Blockchain.’ To hack or alter any information in a particular block, one would have to do the same for all the blocks, making it nearly impossible.

The Significance of Smart Contracts In DeFi.

Here, we are going to delve into the importance of smart contracts in the DeFi ecosystem. Before I delve into discussing this focal point of this article, I would love to explain what a smart contract means for the sake of the audience/readers that know nothing about it.

A smart contract is software embedded on a blockchain that executes the terms of a deal on its own when the predetermined conditions are met. It is called “smart” because it executes actions on its own without the help of third parties.

Imagine a vending machine as a smart contract. You want to buy a snack, so you put money into the machine and make a selection. The machine, being a smart contract, knows the rules: if you’ve inserted the correct amount of money and made a valid choice, it automatically releases the snack you selected.

In this analogy:

Vending Machine: Represents the smart contract.

Money and Selection: Are the conditions or parameters set in the smart contract.

Snack Release: Is the automatic execution of the contract when conditions are met.

Just like you don’t need a person to ensure the vending machine works as intended, a smart contract operates autonomously based on predefined rules when certain conditions are satisfied.


One example of a digital product that utilizes smart contracts is the Non-Fungible Token (NFT). NFTs are unique digital assets representing ownership or proof of authenticity of a specific item, often digital art, music, videos, or virtual real estate.

When an artist creates digital art and decides to sell it as an NFT, a smart contract is deployed on a blockchain, such as Ethereum. The smart contract includes details like ownership rights, royalties, and transfer conditions. When someone purchases the NFT, the smart contract automatically executes the transfer of ownership to the buyer, and if the digital art is resold in the future, the smart contract ensures that the original artist receives a predetermined percentage of the sale as royalties.

This use of smart contracts in the NFT space provides transparency, security, and automated execution of ownership and royalty terms for digital products in a decentralized manner.


Also, the emergence of blockchain-based betting apps leverages smart contracts to automate and ensure the transparent execution of wagers, eliminating the need for traditional intermediaries and providing users with a trustless and decentralized betting experience.

Benefits of Smart Contracts.

Since smart contracts are Hi-tech and self-operating, this implies that there is no administrative tasks involved. so once the conditions are met, the contracts are enacted without delay.

Because there’s no intermediaries and the transaction records are kept private and secure, you don’t have to worry if someone changed the information for their own gain. This makes the system trustworthy and clear.

Blockchain transactions are like secret codes that are super tough for hackers to crack. If they want to change even one thing, they have to mess with the whole chain, which is really tricky. Plus, it saves money because we don’t need third parties to deal with transactions.

Limitations of Smart Contracts.

Sometimes, smart chains (like in blockchain) find it hard to deal with lots of transactions at once.

When more people use it, and there are many transactions, it can slow down, causing delays and making fees higher.

Once smart contracts are set up, you can’t easily fix mistakes.

If there’s a problem or error in the smart contract, it stays that way, and you can’t change it.

Even though blockchain is generally secure, there may be loopholes, and people could exploit these vulnerabilities, potentially leading to financial losses.

The Future of DeFi and Smart Contracts.

In the future, DeFi and smart contracts are expected to bring new and better ways for people to handle money online. This means more ways for everyone to access and use financial services easily, with clear rules and less need for intermediaries, making things simpler and fairer for everyone.