Top 6 Best RWA Projects on Solana

The safest method for trading wine and spirits is via BAXUS, one of the well-liked RWA projects on Solana. You use blockchain technology to provide customers with secure storage, authentication, and ownership evidence, giving them total peace of mind with every transaction. With a worldwide marketplace of like-minded fans and a customized dashboard for managing your portfolio with the most recent pricing information, BAXUS offers an unparalleled platform for exploring, exchanging, and elevating your collection. The exchange of NFTs is required to buy or sell wine bottles; the actual bottles are kept secure in a vault. 

For the first two years after placing a collection in a vault, input, storage, and insurance are free. The platform charges $20 for authentication, scanning, and NFT minting as one-time fees per asset. There is no buyer’s premium when you sell on BAXUS; you are charged a 10% selling fee. To trade on BAXUS, you don’t require a cryptocurrency wallet. The site accepts various payment methods, including credit cards, wire transfers, and cryptocurrency. All NFTs are priced in USD.

For the duration that the NFT is associated with your account, you continue to be the only owner of the physical asset and its digital representation. Once you list it and sell it, the actual bottle now belongs to the NFT owner. You may exchange your NFTs in any marketplace compatible with the Solana blockchain.