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In the rapidly expanding universe of digital games, MetaFight stands out as a bold initiative that fuses the excitement of Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) with emerging crypto technologies such as NFTs and Web3. This innovative approach promises not only to transform the way fans interact with the sport, but also to reshape concepts of ownership and participation within video games. In this interview, Julia Mahé-Emsallem, co-creator and CEO of MetaFight, reveals the origins of MetaFight, the ambitions behind this daring project, and her personal vision as a player involved in this fascinating journey. Get ready to discover how MetaFight is redefining social gaming and fan engagement in the sports world.

Can you tell us a bit more about your background and how your passion for MMA influenced your career in the Web3 domain?

My career began in the legal field, where I specialized in intellectual property and new technologies. This specialization allowed me to understand the subtleties of digital rights and the protection of innovations, essential skills in the world of Web3. My career as a lawyer also provided me with direct insight into the challenges and opportunities associated with the legalization and regulation of MMA in different countries, sparking a personal and professional interest in the sport.

The passion for MMA came from both my interest in martial arts and my legal work around the industry. Seeing up close how MMA is managed and how fighters navigate their careers, often with significant challenges related to the management of their rights and the optimization of their revenues, motivated me to explore how technologies like blockchain could provide solutions.

In collaboration with my partner Thomas Chauveau, we launched our first Web3 company, not only to explore blockchain applications in various fields but also to educate stakeholders on its benefits. The idea was to demystify blockchain for sectors such as luxury houses and artists, showing how it can enhance transparency, security, and traceability.

It was this combination of passion for MMA and technology expertise that led to the creation of MetaFight. We wanted to use our expertise to address concrete issues in the MMA sector by using Web3’s disintermediation and digitization solutions.

Can you talk about the origin of the MetaFight project? How did the idea of integrating NFTs, social gaming, and crypto into a universe centered around MMA come about?

The idea for MetaFight emerged from a combination of our passion for MMA and our expertise in emerging technologies. As an attorney specializing in intellectual property and new technologies, I closely followed the legal and commercial evolution of MMA, including its legalization and global expansion. These observations allowed me to understand not only the dynamics of the sector but also the possibilities offered by technologies like blockchain and crypto to transform entire industries.

Combining our understanding of MMA and our technological expertise, my partner, Thomas Chauveau, and I identified several specific problems within the sector that we believed could be resolved using the philosophy of Web3.

The idea was to create a system allowing the MMA ecosystem, from fighters to equipment manufacturers, to better exploit their intellectual property rights through digital cards usable in a game. This game would not only be an entertainment platform but also a way for participants to generate additional revenue through profit-sharing from card sales.

Can you describe in detail what MetaFight is and how your project integrates sport, social interactions, and Web3 crypto elements?

MetaFight is a digital card game platform that transforms fans’ interaction with the world of MMA. The game allows players to collect, trade, and use cards representing fighters, coaches, and equipment, each card having unique attributes that affect performance in strategic battles. These duels are not limited to chance; they require tactical thought and meticulous planning that test players’ strategic skills.

The game strongly encourages social interaction. Besides direct competition, MetaFight offers an extensive social environment where players can participate in special events, watch fights in the MetaVerse, and interact on a platform that reinforces the connection between users and real-world fighters. This social dimension is enhanced by upcoming features that will allow even more community engagement.

Integrating Web3 crypto technologies is another key facet of MetaFight. The game cards are NFTs, ensuring true ownership of digital assets to the players. This approach not only adds a layer of security and transparency through the blockchain but also increases the perceived value of these assets by the players, as they know they own something tangible and rare within the game’s ecosystem.

In short, MetaFight is not just a digital card game. It’s an immersive experience that innovatively combines sports, strategy, and social gaming, providing players with a new way to experience their passion for MMA while exploring the possibilities offered by crypto and Web3.

How does social gaming, in the context of MetaFight, represent a new approach to sports and interaction between players?

The social gaming aspect in MetaFight is an innovative reinterpretation of the sports experience, integrating the social dimension directly into gameplay and the culture surrounding MMA. This concept goes beyond mere online competition; it aims to create a complete ecosystem where social interactions are not just an addition but a central element.

In MetaFight, social interactions manifest in several meaningful ways. Firstly, players can challenge and interact directly with other players, creating a network of competition and collaboration. The fights in the game are not just isolated matches; they are social events where strategies, victories, and defeats are shared and discussed within the community.

Secondly, MetaFight encourages players to participate in live events and tournaments, thereby strengthening the sense of community. These events often serve as meeting points for MMA fans from different backgrounds and allow for cultural and social exchanges that enrich the overall experience.

Finally, the game utilizes Web3 crypto technologies to enhance these interactions. Through the use of NFTs and blockchain, players can not only ensure ownership of their in-game assets but also participate in an in-game economic market reflecting real-world interactions such as trading and investment. This adds a layer of realism and economic engagement that takes social interaction to a higher level.

What are the main goals of MetaFight players, and why do you personally find this game appealing?

In MetaFight, players’ goals vary widely, reflecting the diversity and complexity of the game. One of the main objectives is card collection, particularly rare and powerful cards that offer strategic advantages in duels. Players strive to build optimized decks to maximize their chances of success in battles.

Another important objective is mastering strategy. MetaFight requires players to understand not only the strengths of their own cards but also potential strategies of their opponents. The ability to anticipate and react is crucial, making the game both demanding and rewarding.

Players also aspire to progress in the game’s rankings. Progression is often accompanied by rewards such as access to exclusive cards, upgraded equipment, and in-game tokens, which can be used to acquire new items or participate in special events.

Why should our readers play MetaFight? What makes this game unique and appealing?

Firstly, MetaFight offers immersion in the MMA universe that few games can provide. Players have the opportunity to collect and manage cards of fighters, coaches, and equipment, making each collection unique and personalized. And this collection is not just for competition; it also allows players to connect with their favorite fighters and deepen their understanding of the sport.

Furthermore, the game demands strategic thinking. Unlike games where action is immediate and direct, MetaFight requires players to think like managers, planning and adapting their strategies to succeed. This strategic component is rewarding as it reflects the real challenges that MMA managers face in preparing their fighters for battles.

Moreover, the social aspect of the game is highly developed. MetaFight is a place to meet other MMA enthusiasts, share tactics, and even participate in community events. This creates a rich experience that goes beyond the game itself and fosters authentic relationships and interactions among players.

Finally, the integration of crypto technologies, Web3, and NFTs in MetaFight offers security and ownership of digital assets that few games can guarantee. Players can rest assured that their acquisitions in the game are truly theirs, adding an extra layer of value and satisfaction.

For these reasons, I would highly recommend MetaFight to anyone interested in MMA, gaming strategy, or seeking an active community to engage with. It’s more than just a game; it’s a platform that allows you to experience your passion for MMA in an innovative and connected way.


MetaFight revolutionizes the MMA experience by combining gaming strategy, social interactions, and Web3 crypto technologies into a single immersive platform. Whether you’re a longtime MMA fan or a newcomer, MetaFight offers you a new way to live your passion. Don’t hesitate to give it a try!

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Luc Jose A. avatar

Luc Jose A.

Diplômé de Sciences Po Toulouse et titulaire d’une certification consultant blockchain délivrée par Alyra, j’ai rejoint l’aventure Cointribune en 2019.
Convaincu du potentiel de la blockchain pour transformer de nombreux secteurs de l’économie, j’ai pris l’engagement de sensibiliser et d’informer le grand public sur cet écosystème en constante évolution. Mon objectif est de permettre à chacun de mieux comprendre la blockchain et de saisir les opportunités qu’elle offre. Je m’efforce chaque jour de fournir une analyse objective de l’actualité, de décrypter les tendances du marché, de relayer les dernières innovations technologiques et de mettre en perspective les enjeux économiques et sociétaux de cette révolution en marche.